Josef Lauer

Josef Lauer

* 30.06.1937
† 02.02.2025 in Kauernhofen
Erstellt von MGO Mediengruppe Oberfranken
Angelegt am 04.02.2025
410 Besuche

Neueste Einträge (7)


In Loving Memory of Father Lauer

28.02.2025 um 15:23 Uhr von Tomas Flock

My brother and I had the privilege of visiting Germany in the 1990s to see our Oma and other relatives. During our trips, we stayed with Father Lauer and Dora in their home, dating back to the 1600s.

Dora made us the most delicious duck dinner we had ever tasted, and Father Lauer took us on incredible journeys through Germany. We explored stunning churches, visited the former East Germany, and walked through the forest Goethe wrote about.

One memory that stands out is watching Father Lauer on a television program, where he was seen caring for the local forests. He carefully managed the land, ensuring the health of the trees and reducing fire risks—just another example of his dedication to service. He also introduced us to Federweißer wine and Zwiebelbrot, a delicious combination we will never forget.

Above all, Father Lauer was a man of faith, kindness, and generosity. His love for the Catholic Church and its teachings was evident in all he did. He touched many lives, including ours, and we will always be grateful for the time we spent with him.

Rest in peace, Father Lauer. You will be deeply missed.


In Loving Memory of Father Lauer

28.02.2025 um 00:36 Uhr von Tomas Flock

My brother and I had the privilege of visiting Germany in the 1990s to see our Oma and other relatives. During our trips, we stayed with Father Lauer and Dora in their home, dating back to the 1600s.

Dora made us the most delicious duck dinner we had ever tasted, and Father Lauer took us on incredible journeys through Germany. We explored stunning churches, visited the former East Germany, and walked through the forest Goethe wrote about.

One memory that stands out is watching Father Lauer on a television program, where he was seen caring for the local forests. He carefully managed the land, ensuring the health of the trees and reducing fire risks—just another example of his dedication to service. He also introduced us to Federweißer wine and Zwiebelbrot, a delicious combination we will never forget.

Above all, Father Lauer was a man of faith, kindness, and generosity. His love for the Catholic Church and its teachings was evident in all he did. He touched many lives, including ours, and we will always be grateful for the time we spent with him.

Rest in peace, Father Lauer. You will be deeply missed.


vom 22.02.2025


Unser herzliches Beileid

09.02.2025 um 20:58 Uhr von Josef Flock

Unser tiefes Beileid vom amerikanischen Verwandten.   Josef Lauer wird meinem Bruder Tomas und meiner Frau Tricia immer in guter Erinnerung bleiben.  Joe, Tricia, u Tomas Flock


Liebe Frau Neff,

05.02.2025 um 11:41 Uhr von Martina Bernhardt

zum Tod von Pfr. Lauer möchte ich Ihnen meine Anteilnahme aussprechen. Als Jugendliche hatten wir  im Rahmen der Jugendarbeit und der Pfarrgemeinderatarbeit miteinander zu tun. Besonders erinnere ich mich daran, dass er mir zum Abschied ein Hochzeitsbild einer Iphöferin schenkte mit dem Hinweis, dass ich mir das doch auch überlegen sollte. Tatsächlich habe ich 1990 geheiratet. Als Angestellte des Pfarrbüros in Iphofen lese ich immer wieder seine Unterschrift in den Akten und so flammt die Erinnerung für einen Moment auf.  So wie ich ihn in dieser Zeit erlebt habe, werde ich ihn in Erinnerung behalten. Ihnen alles Gute und Zuversicht für die kommende Zeit des Vermissens und Trauerns. 

Herzliche Grüße

Martina Bernhardt

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